Applying to college is an important moment. We're here to guide you through the application process.

Generally speaking, we are looking for students who will:
  • Explore the breadth of our academic programs
  • Take advantage of our urban location and global outreach
  • Contribute positively to our college community

博彩平台网址大全制定了一个高度个性化的流程,让你的档案的读者了解你,而不仅仅是你的成绩和课程, but for who you really are. 请继续阅读有关如何申请大一新生的更多信息, or use the links below to apply to our transfer, Individualized Degree Program (IDP), or Graduate Studies programs.

All applicants are required to submit

  • Trinity College accepts the Common Application. 学生可以通过点击将博彩平台网址大全自动添加到他们的“我的大学列表”中 here.
  • 需要支付65美元的申请费,并且必须通过网站在线提交 Common Application.
  • 博彩平台网址大全将免除第一代学生的申请费. 博彩平台网址大全的申请者只需要点击“学费减免” Common Application 然后点击“我是第一代大学生”的方框.”
  • 学校的工作人员应该提交一份官方成绩单,其中包括相当于9年级到11年级完成的课程, the Common Application School Report, 还有一份报告,显示当前正在进行的课程的成绩.*
  • 如果你已经完成了12年级,目前正在高中攻读研究生课程
    或者是学院或大学的基础预科课程, 我们需要证明你目前学业进展的文件.*


我们只需要一份学术推荐作为申请文件的一部分. Recommendations from school counselors, high school teachers, and community-based organizations are welcome. 我们的目标是更多地了解学生在他们的学习社区中是谁. We’re happy to accept additional letters, 但我们不会惩罚没有提交额外推荐信的学生. Read more 博彩平台网址大全对影响我们整体录取决定的不同因素的研究.

International applicants must also submit

申请者必须提交多邻国英语测试、雅思或托福成绩. Click here 了解更多博彩平台网址大全的英语考试要求,或者看看你是否有资格获得英语能力豁免.

如果你申请的是基于需求的经济援助,我们需要提供 CSS Profile. 如果您不打算申请基于需求的经济援助,请填写我们的 Statement of Finances Form (SoFF).

All documents, including high school transcripts (9-12), and letters of recommendations must be in English. 如果没有,则必须在应用程序中添加经过认证的翻译. Services like EducationUSA 可以指导你完成这个过程还是国家认可的机构 Education Credential Evaluation (ECE) can assist. 

Applicants may also submit

In addition to the Common Application essay, 你可以选择提交一篇可选文章,重点介绍你对博彩平台网址大全的具体兴趣. 使用下面的提示,你可以写一篇少于300字的文章.

  • The identities you claim, the challenges you face, 你所享受的成功为你未来的大学生活奠定了基础. 作为三一社区的一员,你的背景中哪一方面是你想要分享和/或探索的?为什么?

虽然入学不需要面试,但强烈推荐面试. 面试是我们更好地了解你的好机会, and, more importantly, for you to learn more about Trinity. Learn more about how and when to schedule an admissions interview.

  • Trinity College does not require the SAT or ACT 申请入学的学生,包括转学申请者. The college is test-optional, 为学生提供机会,展示准确反映其不同学术才能和潜力的申请材料. 招生委员会不会假设为什么有些学生选择提交分数,而另一些则不提交. 无论是否提交SAT和/或ACT成绩,所有申请人都将被考虑获得择优奖学金.
  • If you are interested in submitting test scores, the Trinity College ACT code is 0598 and our CEEB code is 3899.

在追求艺术方面有特别强大背景和兴趣的学生, whether as a major or an extracurricular, 是否欢迎提交支持其申请的材料. 我们的艺术教师成员参与提交材料的评估. 如果你想提交你的艺术作品的样本,我们要求你 adhere to the following guidelines.

Students who are interested in applying to a Gateway Program are able to do so via the Common Application.

博彩平台网址大全邀请未来的学生申请希勒尔领导力奖学金, a special opportunity to develop skills, interests, 作为校园犹太学生社区的一员.

To be considered for the Hillel Leadership Scholarship, 学生应首先在我们规定的截止日期前向博彩平台网址大全提交他们的共同申请. Students can then complete the brief Hillel Leadership Scholarship application. The deadline to apply for the Hillel Leadership Scholarship is January 20, 2024.


2023-24 Deadlines

Admissions Option Application Deadline Notification By
Early Decision I November 15, 2023 Mid-December
Early Decision II January 17, 2024 Mid-February
Regular Decision January 17, 2024 Late March

Early Decision

如果博彩平台网址大全是你的第一选择,可以考虑提前申请. 提前决定1和提前决定2选项都要求候选人签署一份声明,确认如果被录取,候选人将参加博彩平台网址大全. 考生可以通过通用申请网站在线提交提前决定协议,也可以通过电子邮件发送签名的电子邮件 Early Decision Agreement to [email protected] by the application deadline. 常规录取申请人可以通过在2月1日之前向招生办公室提交一份签署的提前录取协议来转换为提前录取II.

博彩平台网址大全要求获得认可的中学的文凭和认证或普通教育发展(GED)认证. Trinity College admits students of any race, creed, color, and national or ethnic origin, and regardless of sex or handicap. Trinity College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, handicap, 在其教育政策的管理中也没有民族或种族血统, admissions policies, scholarship, and loan programs. Learn more about Trinity’s Honor Code

Please note that due to certain firewall restrictions, 博彩平台网址大全招生办公室可能难以接收带有iCloud域名(@icloud)的电子邮件地址发来的信息.com). If possible, 请使用其他电子邮件地址,以便我们能及时与您沟通.


Trinity College Admissions Office

300 Summit Street
Hartford, CT 06106
8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
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